Workshops and conferences I have been to:
2024, 23–26 July:
AMS-IMU joint meeting
- Palermo
2023, 11–15 September:
2023, 13–17 March:
Discrete and combinatorial homotopy theory
- American Institute of Mathematics (San Jose - California)
2022, 28 Nov – 2 Dec:
2022, 17–21 October:
Random walks and related random topics
- Göttingen
2022, 12–16 September:
Workshop on Expansion and Approximation
- Copenhagen
2022, 24 Jul – 13 Aug:
Workshop in Analysis and Probability
- Texas A&M
2022, 16–20 May:
Operator algebras and Group Dynamics
- CIRM (Marseille)
2022, 28 Mar – 1 Apr:
2022, 27 Feb – 5 Mar:
Workshop: Geometric Structures in Group Theory
- Oberwolfach
2022, 17–19 January:
2021, 6–11 September:
2021, 2–13 August:
- Münster
2021, 22–22 July:
Online meeting: high-dimensional expanders, coarse geometry and infinite group theory
- Bristol
2021, 28 Jun – 9 Jul:
Groups meet C*-algebras
- Münster
2021, 7–10 June:
2020, 20–31 July:
2019, 13–18 October:
Arbeitsgemeinschaft on Zimmer's Conjecture
- Oberewolfach
2019, 23 Sep – 3 Oct:
2019, 9–14 September:
2019, 24–28 June:
- Warsaw
2019, 27–31 May:
Dynamics of group actions
- Cetraro
2019, 20–24 May:
Non-positive curvature
- Warsaw
2019, 14–16 March:
Spring Topology and Dynamical Systems Conference
- Birmingham (AL)
2018, 17–18 December:
60ème anniversaire d'Alain Valette
- IHES (Orsay)
2018, 15–20 July:
- Seoul
2018, 4–6 July:
Workshop on Dynamical methods in Algebra, Geometry and Topology
- Udine
2018, 11–15 June:
School on 3-Manifolds and Geometric Group Theory
- Luminy
2018, 23–29 May:
Workshop on Nonpositively Curved Groups on the Mediterranean
- Nahsholim
2018, 15–21 April:
Mini-Workshop on Superexpanders and Their Coarse Geometry
- Oberwolfach
2018, 12–16 March:
Young Geometric Group Theory VII
- Les Diableretes
2017, 29 Sep – 1 Oct:
Workshop on Operator algebras, Geometry and Actions
- Warsaw
2017, 11–16 September:
Moduli spaces
- Ventotene
2017, 10–14 July:
Thematic School on Quasi isometric rigidity
- Toulouse
2017, 26 Jun – 7 Jul:
- Bilbao
2017, 3–7 April:
Spring school on analysis on groups and measured group theory
- Northwestern University
2016, 20–24 June:
Beyond Hyperbolicity
- Cambridge
2016, 6–10 June:
Geometry and Computation on Groups and Complexes
- Newcastle
2016, 15–19 February:
Young Geometric Group Theory V
- Karlsruhe
2015, 7–12 September:
Manifolds and Groups
- Ventotene
2015, 17–21 August:
Conference on Topology and Geometry
- Bonn
2015, 27–31 July:
Cohomology and Large Scale Geometry
- Regensburg
2015, 13–17 July:
Impact of Geometric Group Theory
- Luminy
2015, 11–12 June:
Early Career Stage Topologists AT Imperial College
- London
2015, 9–13 June:
Teichmüller theory and surfaces in 3-manifolds
- Pisa
2015, 13–17 April:
Asymptotic Invariants of Groups
- Oxford
2015, 11–17 January:
Young Geometric Group Theory IV
- Spa
2014, 27–31 January:
Random walks on groups
- Paris
2013, 12–13 June:
Hyperbolic geometry and mapping class groups
- Pisa